Thursday, April 1, 2021

Love Yourself Again

 We waste a lot of time being anti-this and anti-that, and not enough time being pro-this and pro-that. We put ourselves in that negative mindset many times throughout each day. Even when we tell ourselves we are going to do better and be better and focus on the positive, negative energy is a force hard to overcome and it sucks a lot of us in. And, while we might spend our day trying to be positive and uplift everyone else, the areas in life that many of us struggle being positive about is our own self image. 

 Maybe we use the excuse that we are trying to stay humble and not have an inflated ego. Maybe we surround ourselves with negative people who don’t build us up. Whatever the reason, the fact is we are most critical of our own selves. We don’t often follow our own advice. It’s a bad habit that is hard to break.

 It is important to make sure you are doing self care and positive affirmations. Those of us that suffer from major depression and bipolar really struggle with self image and self love most of the time. I know, I live it daily in my own soul. Do I think I’m a good person? Heck yes. So why don’t I love myself enough to take a stand against all of these negative self image thoughts?

 I watched a video on social media the other day that had an amazing message about your dreams, and about telling other people your dreams. Why do we look for validation from others about our dreams? Then when they give us a negative response we decide to stop chasing them because maybe they are stupid like everyone else said. But those people didn’t give you those dreams, so why do you seek their approval?

 That holds true to so much in our lives. Why do we seek approval from others? We only need approval from our selves. Be free to live your life, dream your dreams, and be the person you want to be. Love the person that you are. If you don’t love yourself or love your dreams, you have the power to change things within your control. You are responsible for your own life and how your own story plays out. Take control. Start loving yourself. Start respecting yourself. And meanwhile, stop being the person who brings somebody else down too. 

 We need to be encouraging and uplifting to ourselves and to others. We don’t live their life, we don’t dream their dreams. So our only job is to be positive and encouraging (within means, I mean if something is unsafe or going to harm someone then obviously be smart and have common sense). Don’t tear each other down but most important we need to stop tearing ourselves down. It’s ok to have your dreams. It’s ok to love yourself. And It’s ok to change the things about yourself that you don’t love if you have control over those changes. And if you can’t change the physical parts, you can change your self perception and teach yourself to love the things that make you unique. Stand up. Stand out. Just love yourselves. 

Love & Light


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