Thursday, November 4, 2021

What the change has done

 So I have been Journee for a few months now. The name change was a process. I still have many accounts under Trisha that need updated. About half the people in my life have taken to the name change and call me Journee and the other half either refuse to or just forget. 

 But the name change wasn’t about them it was about me, it was about my growth and my change and my journey to loving myself more. Sure, there are still days I don’t appreciate who I am and there are still plenty of days where I have a bout of depression. But mostly there are days where I am proud of myself for going through it, I am happy with the growth that I have made internally, and though others may not see it I know that I am better because of it. 

 Being Journee and going through the name change and attitude change has had a wonderful positive impact. It’s what I hoped for, what I manifested. I know there is still a lot of internal work to do, but it’s step by step and day by day. This week I’ve started eating healthier. I am starting yoga back next week. I am filling my life with more positivity and finding more people who appreciate me for my journey and have support to show. 

 This has been such a great process even through some minor annoyances and difficulties with changing everything legally. 

 I am happy.l with it. That’s what counts. 

Much Love & Light. 

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What the change has done

 So I have been Journee for a few months now. The name change was a process. I still have many accounts under Trisha that need updated. Abou...